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English-Hindi > directly proportional

directly proportional meaning in Hindi

directly proportional sentence in Hindi

directly    स्पष्टतः स्पष्ट
proportional    समानुपातिक
1.Dr Rajesh Parikh , a neuropsychiatrist at Mumbai 's Jaslok Hospital , says , ” Studies done in Latur reveal the magnitude of psychological damage in people is directly proportional to the extent of devastation and casualties in their area .
मुंबई के जसलक अस्पताल के न्यूरोसाइकिएटिस्ट्र ड़ा.राजेश पारीख कहते हैं , ' ' लतूर में किए अध्ययनों से मालूम होता है कि जितनी तबाही मची और मौतें हीं , उतनी ही मनोवैज्ञानिक क्षति भी ही .

How to say directly proportional in Hindi and what is the meaning of directly proportional in Hindi? directly proportional Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.